At maximum level ( 50 ) players will have 275 attribute points. These attributes are listed below, as well as what they do.

In Conan Exiles there are 7 attributes that players can spend their attribute points on. What is the max level on Conan exiles?Ĭonan Exiles attributes. Singleplayer is just a bit slower than multiplayer, because you have to do everything yourself instead of being able to split the work. Thick Hide can be harvested from the following creatures: Black Bear. Depending on your server, building a house can be slow, or quite fast. You just need somewhere to hide and store your items. It doesn’t have to be pretty, or even big. What should I build first in Conan exiles?Ĭonan Exiles Tip 6: Build a House One of the most important things to get early on is a house. When you load the save, it can do this over and over again, so keep single-player in mind. On the PS4 or Xbox One, selecting single-player, running through the character collection choices, and then the game will inquire whether you want to play co-op or offline right before the campaign begins is all it takes. How do you play Conan exiles single player?

Here you must fight to survive, build and dominate. You are an exile, one of thousands cast out to fend for themselves in a barbaric wasteland swept by terrible sandstorms and besieged on every side by Enemies.